Healing Hearts: A story of love and heartbreak (Blurb)

Healing Hearts: A story of love and heartbreak (Blurb)

Healing Hearts: A story of love and heartbreak by Payal Dedhia

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Healing Hearts: Healing Hearts: A story of love and heartbreak – Blurb


In the digital world, love is just a message away. I understand this now. The whirlwind of emotions, the fluttering in the stomach, and the persistent pounding of the heart—they all come from the desires coursing through us. It’s just like you read a romance book, and you feel the emotions written in the book. The more your feelings are, the more you experience all these ticks that bring a smile to your lips and excitement into your eyes.

I felt all of them, even though I had yet to hold hands, share my first kiss, or make love. I realized you don’t need to meet the guy; you only need to feel about him. Now I understand how pen friends or long-distance relationships work.

I had my space, yet I never felt alone. Thanks to Rajveer and the sweet bond we formed. Until he destroyed everything with a single message, shattering my world into a million pieces.

Yet, I am nothing if not resilient. I decided to search for him. Answers are what I crave, and I am determined to find them. How could he break my heart? How could he vanish without a trace? With the help of a friend, I unearth his home address. Determination fuels my every step as I march to his doorstep, my head held high, my resolve unyielding, and questions poised on my lips, ready to confront him and seek answers.

As I deal with the truth, I must mend my shattered heart. For to find love again, I need to heal myself. But my heart only wants him, or so I vehemently feel right now.

I am Nivi Maurya. And I am determined to find closure if not love.

Healing Hearts: A story of love and heartbreak. Will she be able to find answers?


I never meant to cause her pain, yet I am becoming the reason for her sleepless nights and the dark circles under her eyes. It was naïve of me to believe I could end things without inflicting pain. I am responsible for her agitation and distress, although it was never my intention. Ending things via message was tough, but I felt it was my only recourse.

I had hoped she would understand and move on, but the opposite happened. Despite my warnings, she continues to call and message me. It becomes impossible to ignore it or believe it would stop.

With a heavy heart, I take the drastic step of disconnecting my number and deleting my social media profiles, vanishing without a trace. My sole aim is to allow her to break free from the dream world we have inhabited for the past few months. I want her to forget me entirely, to erase any memory of my existence.

Nivi was a breath of fresh air and a spark into my otherwise dreary life. But she’s a dreamer, and dreams have no place in my reality. It wasn’t genuinely me who flirted with her or shared laughter with her. That person was an imposter. Someone who briefly took control of my body and enjoyed the fleeting luxuries of life, the real ones—happiness, love, and friendship. My responsibilities have no room for pleasure, and as the fog clears, I come to my senses and embrace my reality.

Yet, despite my efforts to distance myself, a knock at the door blurs the line between fantasy and reality. And I must face the consequences of my actions. For I have broken someone’s heart, and wounded hearts never rest until they find the truth.

I am Rajveer Rathore, and I cannot fall in love.

Healing Hearts: A story of love and heartbreak. Will he be able to justify his actions?

Author Payal Dedhia independently publishes books on Amazon Kindle. You can check her collection by clicking here.

Image credit: Freepik

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