Ruhi’s Journey to Unknown

Ruhi’s Journey to Unknown

One incident changes your life forever. Sometimes, it leads you on a journey to the unknown, where every step is taken blindfolded in a new and unfamiliar territory. But they say a walk to the unknown leads you to your destiny, and when destiny carves the path, all you can do is go with the flow or accept the challenge and transform your life. #kindle #kindleunlimited #ebooks #lovestories #romance #journeytolife
Live-in relationships: A Boon or a Curse

Live-in relationships: A Boon or a Curse

Live-in relationships: Are they a boon or a curse? While a debatable topic, let us see the pros and cons of the same. But before that, let us understand what exactly makes up to be a live-in relationship. Staying together with your partner before marriage under the same roof, sharing the day-to-day life, rent, grocery, and not forgetting the privacy of a washroom makes up a live-in relationship.