They Met (Forever Love Book 1)

They Met (Forever Love Book 1)

scintilla series by Payal Dedhia

They Met

Book 2 – They Loved (click to read)

Book 3 – They Lived (click to read)

Read the book – Ruhi’s Journey to Unknown

Kishori Saini, the girl everyone fears, is devasted when the most valuable thing of her life is at stake. She tries to find a solution to her dilemma but is disappointed upon reaching too many dead-ends.
But as they say, hope comes in unusual forms.

Her hope comes in the form of Keshav Jadhav. As a new student, he enters Kishori’s life and is ready to fix her problems but on a condition.
What price does Kishori pay for saving something that means the world to her?
How far can Keshav go to get what he wants?

Keshav is unapologetic about who he is.
Kishori is a firecracker ready to explode.
Their lives dive into an unknown journey of unusual surprises as they confront their predicaments and experience unfamiliar situations that alter their lives forever.

Note:- This is the first installment of the Forever Love series. This story will continue further.


I liked it very much. Kishori & Keshav’s sweet, cute, and playful banters are so Romantic. Their romance and attraction towards each other are so beautiful. Their pranks are fun to read. This Teenage Romance must turn into some serious, intense and possessive love for eachother and become their Happily Ever After.
Eagerly waiting for next part.
Must Read…!!!

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1 year ago

[…] Book 1 – They Met (read it now) […]