They Lived: A College Romance (Forever Love Book 3)

They Lived: A College Romance (Forever Love Book 3)

Other books in the series

Book 1 – They Met (read it now)

Book 2 – They Loved (read it now)

They Lived: A College Romance (Forever Love Book 3)

Each day feels like a lifetime with him. Kishori feels he consumes her, but she wants to get consumed by his charisma and life.
Each day feels like paradise with her. Keshav feels she makes it all better, and he wants to suck into her kindness and life.
They have grown close, but togetherness matters more than love. Keshav wants her to depend on him, but how? He wants her to need him, but how?
Keshav sets things in motion, hoping the gamble would pay off, and she would be forever his.
They have grown close, but only time can make their relationship more profound. Kishori wants him to give her more time, but how? She wants him to understand her, but how?
Kishori gives in, walking his path, hoping he will accept her quandaries.
What happens when two people want the same thing but choose a different path?
Young love is naïve and unpolished, but will their love pass the test of time? Will they hold on to their feelings, or will they succumb to the pressure of the outside forces ready to push them apart?

It is the last installment of the story of Keshav and Kishori. The forever love series will continue with Abhijeet and Tanya’s story (My Maniac).

Note:- This is the continuation of the second book. Don’t forget to read the second book – They Loved before this.

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