The Trapped Butterfly – Know Aarvi

The Trapped Butterfly – Know Aarvi

The Trapped Butterfly – Know Aarvi

Life slipped out of my hands far too soon, and what stayed was a need to survive. Falling for the wrong guy can do that sometimes. I didn’t realize how destructive he was until I saw his true face. Now, I woke up at a clink of a spoon in the kitchen or the tread when someone walked.
I fell into a defensive position the minute I woke to save myself, not knowing what would happen. It was my life now, a routine for me. Happiness was long gone, and what stayed in its wake was the sheer need to survive a day.

Everything changed the minute he walked into my life. Aakash Duman. He was cranky, wounded because of my boyfriend’s actions, and frustrated when he saw me with him. I got that. But what could I do? So many things were at stake, and I didn’t know how to deal with it.

Aakash took over, but I resisted. Not for long, though. He taught me to fight my battles and made me face my abuser.
I endured, and this time it was not just survival but a triumph I will forever remember. The scar will remain, but time has the power to heal everything. And I have Aakash. Forever and ever, his friendship will always be my strength.

Read my story – The Trapped Butterfly, and see how I triumph and start a new life. Click to read the book.

The Trapped Butterfly – Blurb:

Happiness comes first. Pride second, hope third, and survival the last. But when life throws you under the bus, the chakra reverses.
Survival becomes a moot point. You survive. You win the battle because not all fights have a winning prize. Some are just a silent sigh of a day passed without hiccups.
Aarvi Sharma, never in her worst nightmare, considered she would be with someone like Mohnish, but he wasn’t just in her life. He had captivated her soul, and daily he leeched on her happiness.
Aakash Duman, damaged because of Mohnish’s actions, vowed to teach the man a lesson of a lifetime but what he hadn’t expected seeing her in his arms.
What comes next is a story of survival and hope. This is not a pleasant story. It’s a story that talks about abuse with a positive outcome.

Note: This story speaks about physical and mental abuse. If you are a reader with certain triggers or sensitivities, please take heed of the warning.

Read other short stories.

The Trapped Butterfly (click to read)

My Soulmate (click to read)

The What If Romance (click to read)

A Touch From a Stranger (click to read)

Photo credit: Image by LipikStockMedia on Freepik

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1 year ago

[…] Aarvi […]

1 year ago

Nice article. It gives hope.